Category: Talent Management

Leading and Following

Leading and Following

Most of our readers are C-level or VP level leaders, and/or have a significant management role at their company.  Even the C-level people have bosses.  So even leaders have to…

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Threats In Disguise

Threats In Disguise

While running for President in 1959, John F. Kennedy said about the impending 60’s: “We stand today on the edge of a new frontier … a frontier of unknown opportunities…

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Why Behavioral Based Interviews with Context Are Vital

Why Behavioral Based Interviews with Context Are Vital

More and more companies are moving to Competency Based (also called Behavior-Based) interviewing.  We feel strongly that Performance-Based interviewing yields better hires, when compared to competency-based interviewing.  We are advocates…

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Does Company Culture Really Matter?

Does Company Culture Really Matter?

Last year we wrote about how to hire for a good cultural fit at your company.  However, the more we read and think about culture, and the more we hear…

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Can You Delegate?

Can You Delegate?

Every executive knows that time is money, and your time is likely valued at the highest rate.  It is critically important that you delegate each task to the appropriate level…

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The Case for Calling

The Case for Calling

Every year, the use of e-mail, texting, chat apps, and other electronic communication increases, and the rate of phone communication decreases.  Companies are moving to evaluating people by computer analysis…

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Spring Is a Great Time to Hire

Spring Is a Great Time to Hire

You did your strategic planning last fall.  You’ve paid out (or not) the bonuses to key people.  Now your plan for the year is in full implementation.  Have you addressed…

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Get Great Performance from Your Team

Get Great Performance from Your Team

Your goals are set. Can you and your team meet them?  Here are some important ideas on how to get great performance next year from your team.   Clarify Goals: …

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Ex-Spouse Syndrome of Hiring

Ex-Spouse Syndrome of Hiring

Losing a key employee can be as challenging as a divorce.  Anyone who has ever been divorced, or even had a serious relationship break-up, knows the pain of that separation. …

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Read our articles and news

Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?
Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Upskilling is a strategic imperative for any forward-thinking organization. Particularly in niche industries such as aerospace, defense, and private equity, where the rapid pace of technological and regulatory changes demands…...

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes
The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

In today's dynamic job market, particularly within Aerospace, Defense, Space, and Industrial sectors, the emphasis on soft skills has never been more pronounced. These skills, encompassing everything from communication to…...

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