Category: Job Seekers

The Problem with Buzzwords

The Problem with Buzzwords

We read a lot of web pages (while sourcing candidates), and we read a lot of resumes.  We have noticed more and more the homogenization and commoditization of language –…

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The Case for Calling

The Case for Calling

Every year, the use of e-mail, texting, chat apps, and other electronic communication increases, and the rate of phone communication decreases.  Companies are moving to evaluating people by computer analysis…

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Read These Secrets for Advancing Your Career

Read These Secrets for Advancing Your Career

If you want to move ahead in your company, or position yourself for a job change, there are certain basics that will help move you forward.   Be effective: First…

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Don’t Play Hard to Get When Hiring

Don’t Play Hard to Get When Hiring

Hiring can be compared to dating and courtship in the amount of desire shown and expressed by both employers and candidates for the other.   In dating, people often play…

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Should Today’s Job Seekers Be Using Cover Letters?

Should Today’s Job Seekers Be Using Cover Letters?

Communication for job seekers has changed.  For most job opportunities, all communication is electronic, and you are either e-mailing the hiring manager or directly applying on line.  There is little…

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Job Offers: Is Everybody Happy?

Job Offers: Is Everybody Happy?

When an employer extends a job offer, and the candidate accepts, everyone should be happy, right? But how happy? If the candidate gets all their financial desires met, will the…

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The Hiring Hot Button: What will REALLY get you Hired

The Hiring Hot Button: What will REALLY get you Hired

You’re headed for an executive level interview. You’ve read the job description, understand the job requirements, prepared and rehearsed your stories to show how you can do this job, and….…

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How to Ensure a Successful Job Search Audit

How to Ensure a Successful Job Search Audit

A successful job search results in an excellent new position for the job seeker. People who are successful in their jobs set goals, create a defined path to the goals,…

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How Mentoring Can Grow Your Success

How Mentoring Can Grow Your Success

Most successful people can cite one or two key individuals who guided and helped them early on, and from whom they learned so much.  Mentors can be a significant part…

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Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?
Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Upskilling is a strategic imperative for any forward-thinking organization. Particularly in niche industries such as aerospace, defense, and private equity, where the rapid pace of technological and regulatory changes demands…...

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes
The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

In today's dynamic job market, particularly within Aerospace, Defense, Space, and Industrial sectors, the emphasis on soft skills has never been more pronounced. These skills, encompassing everything from communication to…...

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