Category: Hiring

Vital Job Hunting Tips #2 – The “Informational Interview”

Vital Job Hunting Tips #2 – The “Informational Interview”

Many job hunting coaches advocate trying to get “Informational Interviews”, where you aren’t specifically aiming at a job, but just gathering information, getting advice, networking, etc. What can you try…

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Is It a Painkiller or a Vitamin?

Is It a Painkiller or a Vitamin?

We learned the expression “Is it a pain killer or a vitamin?” in the angel / VC investment world. This question is asked of start-ups by investors, to determine if the product…

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Why “A” Players are Essential for your Success as a CEO

Why “A” Players are Essential for your Success as a CEO

Do You Have “A” Players in Key Positions? Achievement of aggressive company objectives depends on the solid performance of key leaders who are uniquely capable of producing essential results. Recent…

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Are Your “A” Players Falling to “B’s” and “C’s”?

Are Your “A” Players Falling to “B’s” and “C’s”?

A rising tide lifts all boats.  When a company is doing well, growing sales, achieving customer satisfaction, etc., it is easy to see all the members of a management team…

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Bullseye Communication: On the Mark Every Time

Bullseye Communication: On the Mark Every Time

We call our concept of getting close to people quickly the “Bullseye Theory of Communication.”  Picture a bullseye type of target. We are all trained from childhood to be polite,…

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Why Your Intuition Might Be a Hiring Obstacle

Why Your Intuition Might Be a Hiring Obstacle

Many CEOs claim to have exceptional intuition about hiring for their executive team.  “I know in my gut if someone will be a fit,” they say.  Much like the stories…

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Top 10 Reasons an “A” Player Will Work for You

Top 10 Reasons an “A” Player Will Work for You

Whether you are trying to hire for a new position, replacing a “B” or “C” player on your team, or just want to hang on to the stars you have…

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Women in the Military

Women in the Military

Check out this interesting infographic tweeted by the Department of Defense, on current stats for women serving in the military.

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“So, What do you do?” – How to Nail Your Next Networking Opportunity

“So, What do you do?” – How to Nail Your Next Networking Opportunity

“So, what do you do?” An often used icebreaker when meeting someone for the first time, and a question that is exchanged at every networking event, is both reliable and…

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How Can Startups Compete with Big Companies in Attracting Top Talent?
How Can Startups Compete with Big Companies in Attracting Top Talent?

How Can Startups Compete with Big Companies in Attracting Top Talent?

Startups possess distinct advantages that can make them attractive competitors to larger corporations. By partnering with executive search firms, startups can draw professionals interested in innovative environments that offer opportunities…...

Industries Leveraging Retained Executive Search Firms
Industries Leveraging Retained Executive Search Firms

Industries Leveraging Retained Executive Search Firms

In an era where the pace of technological advancement and market dynamics can make or break a business, securing visionary leadership has never been more crucial. Companies across various industries…...

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