Category: Hiring

Getting an Offer Accepted without Negotiation

Getting an Offer Accepted without Negotiation

There is an old lawyer’s axiom – Never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to. It’s an attempt to elicit certain answers, and ensure you’re getting what…

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Disruptive Leaders For Disruptive Companies

Disruptive Leaders For Disruptive Companies

Harvard School Professor Clayton Christensen coined the phrase Disruptive Innovation to describe technology and products that would challenge the status quo by achieving better performance goals more simply, with a…

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Why Employee Retention Matters

Why Employee Retention Matters

For the third year in a row, Employee Retention, recruitment, and turnover has again emerged as the top issues facing HR leaders today in 2018 SHRM/Globoforce Survey. Our economy continues…

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We Can’t Ask About Salary?!

We Can’t Ask About Salary?!

California has joined Oregon, Delaware, Massachusetts, and New York City as areas with laws banning all employers from asking about pay history. Learn more about it from executive defense recruiters.…

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I Hated My Interview!

I Hated My Interview!

If you are a company that makes job candidates feel welcome, congrats!  Unfortunately, some employers treat job candidates badly, and pay a steep price – losing the candidate!  Supply of…

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Going Beyond Goals – How to Create a Job Performance Objective

Going Beyond Goals – How to Create a Job Performance Objective

Most job descriptions just list generic duties and responsibilities that can look interchangeable for different jobs.  Candidates are not attracted to such descriptions, and those documents don’t provide interviewers any…

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Getting to “YES” on Job Offers

Getting to “YES” on Job Offers

It used to be that to get a top executive, you figured out what salary you wanted to pay, offered a bonus that might be discretionary, and extended the offer. …

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The Best Ways to Create Employment Branding

The Best Ways to Create Employment Branding

Employment branding best practices include long term strategies to manage awareness and perceptions of a company by both its current and its prospective employees.  Excellent Employment Branding can drive not…

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The Truth on What Candidates Want to Know

The Truth on What Candidates Want to Know

When a hiring manager conducts an interview, he or she is usually most concerned about what to ask the candidate, and how to evaluate the candidate’s answers qualitatively.  Most interviewers…

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Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?
Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Employee Upskilling: Why Is It Crucial for Your Company’s Future?

Upskilling is a strategic imperative for any forward-thinking organization. Particularly in niche industries such as aerospace, defense, and private equity, where the rapid pace of technological and regulatory changes demands…...

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes
The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

In today's dynamic job market, particularly within Aerospace, Defense, Space, and Industrial sectors, the emphasis on soft skills has never been more pronounced. These skills, encompassing everything from communication to…...

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