Aerospace Recruiting

Aerospace Executive Recruiting

BOB Search not only specializes in executive search in aerospace – we exclusively focus on clients in this industry.

Our aerospace expertise is built on 40 years of working with a variety of aerospace clients, both regionally and nationally. Our foundational project was working with Northrop Grumman and placing over 400 aerospace engineers on the then-new B-2 Bomber program.
An expertise in aerospace for 40 years allows BOB search to provide our clients a unique experience. We have an in-depth understanding of the aerospace sector, enabling our aerospace executive recruiters to deliver candidates with the right background for your company. Through comprehension of your business and a meticulous approach to breaking down your needs beyond bulleted background and experience requirements, we work to submit a candidate that fits the DNA of your organization. Aerospace is a highly competitive, prestigious industry. Our extensive experience within has given BOB Search the ability and acuity to methodically approach this market to identify quality, high potential candidates to take your organization to the next level.

Contact us for information on our executive search recruitment services

    How Can We Assist?

    We have continued our pattern of excellence and expanded to aerospace component and airframe manufacturing, aerospace service providers within the aerospace industry, electronic manufacturing, OEMs/primes, system integrators, MRO, and space. Our aerospace executive recruiters have a developed, in-depth understanding and knowledge within the aerospace market to bring top talent to our clients. We maintain constant awareness of market trends and are driven to continuously elevate the level of talent we deliver. Our expertise extends to all functions within an organization including sales & marketing, aerospace engineering, operations, finance, human resources, manufacturing, business development, quality, and technical disciplines.

    BOB Search’s reputation is built on our foundation of establishing working partnerships with our clients. We place a high value on human capital and acknowledge our consistent results are a function of establishing strategic partnerships with our clients through recruiting. Our partnerships with clients have resulted in key hires of leaders that guide their company to succeed beyond expectations, as well as complementary cultural fits within the organization.

    Boyle Ogata Bregman places leaders in the following segments:

    • Commercial Airframes
    • Prime Aircraft Developers
    • Unmanned Vehicles / UAV
    • Aerostructures
    • Controls & Systems
    • Electronics
    • Engine and Engine Systems
    • Electronics Manufacturing & Harnessing
    • Aerostructuress
    • Components & Subsystems
    • Precision Machined and Cast Parts – Mechanical and Electrical
    • Sensors & C4ISR
    • Aircraft Interiors
    • Composites & Materials
    • Connectors
    • Test Instrumentation
    • Navigation / GPS
    • Engineering & Project Management
    • Simulation & Training Systems
    • Test & Measurement
    • Distribution

    How Aerospace Executive Search
    Recruiters Are Different

    At BOB Search, our organization upholds the highest standard in the aerospace recruitment sector. At BOB Search our aerospace executive recruiters are driven by these management goals:

    • Passion & Commitment – All of our high-performance recruiters are passionate about the aerospace industry and aspire to connect you with only the best potential hires.
    • Aerospace Executive Search Experience – The firm’s executive search principal has over 40 years of experience in recruiting executives in the Aerospace industry.
    • Communication – We distinguish ourselves from other aerospace search firms through our responsiveness, regular communication, and detailed reports. Each of our aerospace executive recruiters guarantees complete transparency with clients.
    • Executive Recruitment Search Firm Partnership – Our excellent aerospace recruiting firm functions as your strategic partner. We are collaborators in your business’ success, we will advocate for your interests and ensure your company is seen as a positive force in the talent marketplace.

    We are committed to making the aerospace recruitment process as easy as possible. Together, these standards help us remain unrivaled as an aerospace executive search firm and ensure success for aerospace companies.

    Our Clients

    Our Aerospace Recruiting process

    For further discussion on how BOB Search can assist you with your executive hiring needs,
    please visit our contact us page for additional contact information.

    Top Tier Aerospace Executive Search Firm

    At BOB Search, we firmly believe that soft skills are just as critical as education and experience. As a premier aerospace executive search recruitment firm, our primary duty is to find superior candidates to fill open positions.
    The BOB Search process is a methodical program focused on a performance-based profile that searches for your quality requirements from the candidate, an approach that helps us determine the best talent for you.
    As the top aerospace recruiters, we provide talent solutions that ensure we only link our clients with top-caliber candidates. If you are a business that needs help with aerospace recruitment, let our team of top aerospace recruiters help. At BOB Search, our professionals maintain an unsurpassed reputation

    Executive Search - FAQ

    Our reputation is unsurpassed in the aerospace and defense sector. Most of our business arrives via referral from satisfied and repeat customers. Our clients include global multi-billion public companies, private equity-owned independent businesses, and everything in between. Our recruiters work nationally across the US, internationally in Europe, and locally in Southern California.

    Please CLICK HERE To See Our Clients Page To Learn More.

    We will develop a performance-based position profile that focuses on the specific results you need from the position. This helps us as a recruiting tool as it attracts the passive aerospace candidates and cleanly evaluates each individual candidate to ensure a precise fit. We then develop a pipeline of 200+ aerospace candidates who will be a precise fit for this search. Our recruiters reach out in multiple ways until we have contacted 70%+ of the candidates. From there, we find 10 aerospace prospects and submit the 3-5 best candidates. This includes a detailed candidate summary of their entire work history, their compensation, and relocation issues, as well as their resume. You will have every detail needed to make a decision.

    BOB Search is a name that is known amongst candidates in aerospace and defense. They take our calls, they return our calls, and they give us referrals (and confidential references) because we are a trusted name in the market.

    Please CLICK HERE To See Our Process Page To Learn More.

    While all of our profile are custom and all vary, we do have sanitized examples to illustrate the comprehensive profile you will receive. Please click links below to see examples:

    A full search process can be completed in 3 months. The first half of that time is our sourcing, recruiting and submitting a slate of candidates, and the second half is the employer processing time, including first and second interviews, referencing, background checks, extension and acceptance of offer, candidate giving notice, etc.
    Retained search provides greater value than contingency in many ways. Here is a comparison:
    BEST CANDIDATEDeliver the first three candidates they can find. May or may not be a fit.Deliver the best three (or more) candidates after a thorough search, giving you a better choice and better fit.
    High-level candidates hang up on contingency recruiters. All you see are active job seekers – not always the best candidates.A good retained search firm, known in their domain, will get through to many more candidates, giving you a higher yield of passive candidates (non-active job seekers)
    TIME COMMITMENTMust work 3 times as many assignments, since not all will result in payment. Gives you one third the effort.Fills every assignment they get, so can accept fewer assignments, and devote 3 times the effort.
    From their own files – usually active job seekers.Custom sourcing to your precise needs – increased accuracy of fit.
    Usually look at 20-30 resumes.Cast a wide net. Reach out to 250+ candidates.
    Superficial review. In-depth review of motivation, compensation, relocation, job history, and specific capability to do the job.
    WHAT YOU RECEIVEResume only.Complete package with summary of findings, and candidate write-up on capabilities to deliver results you need.
    FEEAbout the same as retained.About the same as
    VALUE1/3 of value of retained.3 times the value of contingency.
    Our recruiters do searches in several leadership positions in Aerospace, Defense, Technology, and Industrial Manufacturing every year. They vary depending on the client needs, but the sourcing process we complete to precisely identify who you need in this role is the same on every project. We will find candidates that can do your exact role and ensure that the aerospace candidates we submit are of the highest caliber. We are a boutique executive search firm that exclusively serves the Aerospace, Defense and Industrial Manufacturing industries. We complete between 40 and 60 searches per year across all business functions including aerospace engineering, sales and marketing, human resources and operational leadership roles, for C-level and executive leadership positions.
    When an employer client is committed to making the hire, our recruiter success rate is 90%+. Occasionally our clients discontinue a search due to their own internal business decisions.
    Although our contract states we deliver candidates within 6-8 weeks, our recruiters aim to deliver closer to 4-6 weeks. Naturally, when targeting passive candidates and building a pipeline of 200+ people, it takes a little longer for them to respond than a typical applicant pool. You will find that the standard time for a retained search is about 3 months. Half of this time is your time. Our recruiters are presenting a candidate slate to you, and the remainder of the time is spent with interviews, extending an offer, and waiting for a candidate to give notice to their current employer.
    Our recruiters will do an in-depth analysis of your company, including a site visit when possible, conversations with your key executives and stakeholders, and completion of our unique 18-point questionnaire. Our aerospace candidates tell us that we know our clients and the search parameters better than any search firm they’ve experienced previously. This ensures a great fit in your company.

    We would be happy to start a conversation and see if this could be the best next step for your organization.

    Please provide contact information below to learn more.

      How Can We Assist?

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      The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes
      The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

      The Role of Soft Skills in Modern Hiring Processes

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