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Are You Too “Tied” to a Job?

Are You Too “Tied” to a Job?

Is your job holding you back? 

When we phone employed candidates and ask if they are open to exploring a change, we often get the knee-jerk response, “Oh, I’m very happy at my current company.”  When we probe for what is keeping them so happy, and once we establish a bit more rapport, the truth comes out – they aren’t always really so happy.  BUT, they fear making a change, or life circumstances (kids in high school, elderly parents nearby) seem to prevent them from considering a change.

So, people continue to do things that don’t make them happy.  Our philosophy as recruiters is that its part of our responsibility to open people up to alternatives – the idea that there could be something bigger, better, more challenging and more rewarding out there, if they allow themselves to see it. People accept limitations too easily – within themselves, and coming from their life circumstances.

Loosen the chains that could be preventing progress, and consider other possibilities.  Life is short.  Most people who do what makes them happy ending up thriving and succeeding at it.  Take chances.  Even if you think you are happy with the status quo, what if there is something out there that you don’t realize yet could make you even happier?

Being afraid to leave a job is a combination of loyalty and fear, you’ve proven to be irreplaceable and while that is admirable, loyalty to your career and growth will lead to progressively stronger opportunities in the future. Fear of the unknown can also exasperate the decision. Networking within your industry and researching other companies will ease those concerns – you owe it to yourself to explore.

In considering different employment, until you ultimately say “yes,” you always have the power to say “no.”  So keep saying “maybe” – until you have enough information to be sure the old is truly better than the new.